Saturday, January 8, 2011

An Angel watches over me...

My mom, sister and I have always been really close, they have always been my best friends. I could always go to them about anything, I even told my mom when I lost my virginity and made her laugh when I said 'and it wasn't even that good'. One day she noticed that a mole on her back was growing so she went to the doctor to check it out. The doctor said it Was normal but if she decided she really wanted it off then to come back... well it started bleeding in the next couple weeks. So back to the doc she went, the doctor almost flat out refused to take it off... turns out she didn't know how and had to call another doc in to tell her how. Then she was going to just throw it away. We all know if a mole changes it should be tested! So mom and the other doc told her to get it tested. When the results came in a few weeks later it wasn't good... it Was melanoma. They hoped they caught it early and they refered her to a specialist. They took off surrounding skin and hoped they got it all. Over the next year they found another spot, more surgery, took out lymph nodes and eventually she started preventative chemotherapy to stop it from returning. 5 days a week and then home injections for a year. Then she found a spot in her chest. She had radiation that seemed to be working. Unfortunatly in march 2010 she noticed a lump in the same spot while they were in Florida. She went to a few doctors, got tests done... and eventually headed back to ny to her doctors. They stopped to see me on their way through and were here when I found out I was pregnant. Back in ny She got put on chemotherapy pills and went to a cancer center in buffalo. She kept getting weaker and in June I started being told that I should be there and how people couldn't understand why I just couldn't come up right then. I already felt awful that I couldn't afford to travel up there. I cried every day. On July 4th I got a call... it Was clear I needed to get up there. My aunt bought me a plane ticket and I headed out the next day. She cried when I walked in. I was pregnant with her first blood related grandbaby. The doctors said the cancer had spread. It grew right through the chemotherapy. That Friday we brought her home to be comfortable and to take care of her... watching her get weaker day after day was the hardest thing I ever had to do. She even started refusing to let us do things... a week later she passed away... we all thought we had more time to tell her things we wanted to. We all always knew she was an Angel... it Was time she went home to heaven I guess. I miss her terribly... we all do, anyone who ever met her does, but I know she is watching over us
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